Wednesday 23 September 2015

LO1: Site 2: Google

Site 2 - Google


Google is one of many search engines on the internet where the user searches for a phrase and it will search all of the websites for that phrase. It is aimed at everyone that uses the internet as it is one of the main hubs for finding sites and information on the internet. 

Visitor Needs

Google allows the user to search for any phrase that they want and filters through every other website to find that phrase. It then shows the user all of the sites containing their phrase, sorting them by relevance, and lets them go to those sites by clicking the link provided. Google also allows the user to have a direct link to their email accounts and the ability to search for images of the thing that they are searching for instead of website. When they find the image they want to use, they can go to the website that it was found by, again, clicking the link provided. This means that the user can find any site, or information on any subject, with relative ease. 

Information Flow

Google, again, has a very simple layout with a plain white background. The search bar is centred on the screen with the search button clearly labelled next to it. The images and email tabs are very clear on the navigation bar at the top of the page. The login button is also on the navigation bar at the top of the page and link directly to the google login screen. When the user has searched for their phrase, the website are organised simply in a list, sorted by relevance, meaning they can easily find what they want. The search also sometimes has a Wikipedia extract on the side of the browser if the phrase searched has a Wikipedia page. The search bar and navigation bar stay simple and more options appear to search for. 


Google has a search bar that allows the user to search for their specific phrase in every over website. It has a log in option that allows the user to log in to their accounts that stores useful information about them so that they can log in to other sites with this account and have that information available to other businesses so it does not have to be put in multiple times. It also has links to the email accounts linked to the users Google account so that they can have their own personal email account linked directly to their Google account. The Google search bar has memory of what the user has previously searched for, and what the most popular searches are containing the words that thse user is typing, meaning that the user can easily search for something that they have searched for in the past without having to remember exactly what they typed.


Some benefits of Google for the business owners and the users are:
  • It is the main part of the business which allows the business to make their money.
  • It is convenient for the user to find the sites that they want with relative ease.
  • Google links directly to email and image searches aswell as all of the other services that google provide on the internet meaning the user has access to all of Google's services through one site
  • Google is also up 24/7 so the user can use their site whenever they want.
  • The site will require less maintenance than a store so less staff would be required to keep it up and running  

On the site there is a search bar that allows the user to find whatever they want. There is also a Google Images tab that has images from most websites that can be filtered to find a specific image.

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